The breeder looks up, the ring goes silent, he knows the game is up. 920 anyone? 920 come on, look at this fantastic animal. Are there are no more bids?
Look! Over there in the mist, two giggling hikers knee deep in sand with a camera and some kind of a fragile flower. Two starving stinking wenches with flip flops between their stinging toes.
All those teenagers, remember them?
They all grew up and up and left the teenage land and now they’re back. Stinging eyes says they’re *‘CHISLLERS’
The tide is coming in.
Were the Prince farmers born in their leather jackets?
Our guest was served in a homely way.
Rich, warm, rich, fruitcake and whipped cream.
He fell into the trap of letting us feed him.
The more he ate and slept, the more he slipped from the frying pan into the fire.